Fonds d’écran gratuits pour smartphone Android & iPhone
Choose Wallpaper Size
Select your phone's wallpaper size.
+ 128x160
+ 128x220
+ 144x176
+ 176x208
+ 176x220
+ 240x320
+ 240x400
+ 320x400
+ 320x480
+ 352x416
+ 360x400
+ 360x480
+ 360x640
+ 400x800
+ 480x640
+ 480x800
+ 480x854
+ 540x960
+ 600x800
+ 600x1024
+ 640x960
+ 640x1136
+ 720x1280
+ 768x1024
+ 768x1280
+ 800x1280
+ 1080x1920
Horizontal Screen Wallpapers
+ 320x240
+ 480x320
+ 480x272
+ 480x360
+ 720x720
Does your device demand a (nearly) square selection while setting wallpaper (in case of Sony Xperia etc.)? Choose the size below:
+ 960x800
+ 960x854
+ 1080x960
+ 1200x1024
+ 1280x960
+ 1440x1280
+ 1600x1280
+ 2160x1920
Your phone's screen size not listed above or facing any issues? Kindly
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